Friday, April 29, 2005

Started the Third floor

Major demolition of the 2nd floor is now complete. All of the trim & cast iron radiators have been stored in the basement. Should take 3-4 weeks to Finnish off the third floor. & then the Plumbers can run the heating supply lines in, the electrician can run the electrical,I can run the Cat5 cabling, for the Computer networking, Phone lines, Alarm system, Intercom system, Central vacuum, & dual RG6 cabing for the Cable/satellite & Closed circuit television system. This week I will work on getting estimates for a fire sprinkler system. The windows have been a stale issue, not sure what is going to happen yet.

Max & I were interviewed on the local rock radio station KMBR today. Today was the first day of raising $ to put 12 foot x 18 foot, American flags on top of the dozen head frames that are scattered about the city. They are basically the elevators for the old mine shafts that zigzag under the city. I think of them as unique industrial art and they tower as high as 210 feet over the buildings and houses. Silver Bow Properties, LLC decided to donate an entire flag to the cause, and so we were asked to visit the radio station to talk about our donation and uptown remodeling project.

Anselmo Night c 2005 by Bernie Connor

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