Check out the side show on yahoo news about the Chinese new year parade.
Also a MT Standard article about the Mai Wah
The Mai Wah society building is shown here at 17 W. Mercury St. Standard File Photo. The Mai Wah Society has big plans for the coming year, including upgrading its museum’s infrastructure and conducting an archaeological dig on an adjacent vacant lot.The society has applied for a cultural trust grant for $17,500 which is working its way through the Legislature. The match requires $3 for every $1 of the grant so the society must raise $52,000 to secure the money.“We are working toward making some major improvements,” said Jim Griffin, president of the all-volunteer organization.The money will be used to bring much-needed water and sewer service to the historic building at 17 W. Mercury St., as well as brickwork, facade repair and window replacement.Griffith said one of the best things about the Mai Wah museum is that it is historically intact because there have been no significant upgrades and remodels in past decades.But it also means that the most basic infrastructure needs, except for a new roof put on 15 years ago, were ignored.
“It’s just amazing to go in and see nothing has changed,” he said.If the grant is given and the money raised, the group is hoping to start improvements this year.Another project is a collaboration with the county and the Urban Revitalization Agency.The groups hope to excavate a vacant lot across from the Mai Wah as part of a summer archaeological dig to obtain Chinese artifacts.With a renewed interest in vacant Uptown land, the county wants to sell the property.But first, the Mai Wah would like to search for artifacts since the site was home to Chinese homes and businesses. The Mai Wah’s will handle the educational component of the dig and be the keeper of any artifacts found there.“We have a lot going on,” Griffin said.